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Midway through

The fall break is approaching, and we are midway through the semester. Time goes by really quickly as if it was last week that we got the classes started. For me it looks like a journey I have begun with all the other students and cohorts together, and now it is time to get a little bit of rest, and hopefully we will feel rejuvenated for the rest of the semester afterwards. For me it is also time to catch up on some courses in which I am behind. I might find a peaceful place to sit and look back at what I have done so far, and what I should or should not have. Some sort of evaluation might be helpful for me in this stage.

Working as a graduate assistant at the admission office, I began to feel a deeper sense of belonging to what is going on around me, specifically at the School of Education. We are getting busier with new incoming applications. Last year, my application was one of them, and now I am here at the college of William and Mary. That feels good!